Moula Ali (RA) source of income

The fourth Caliph, Hazrat Sayyiduna Moula Ali Mushkil Kusha, Sher-e-Khuda (RA) used to work for wages for his pastimes. (Hadiqa Nadia, Vol. 1, p. 222).

Moula Ali

Blistered Hands

It is narrated by Hazrat Sayyiduna Mujahid Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayhi that one day Hazrat Sayyiduna Ali al-Murtaza, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, the lion of God, (R.A.), came to us wearing a turban and told us that once in Madinah, I started feeling very hungry, so I was looking for work. I went out to the suburbs of Madinah, and there I saw a woman who had collected a heap of earth that she wanted to wash with water, I fixed a palm of labor for every bucket and drew sixteen buckets. Until my hands got blisters, I washed my hands and then came to this woman and said that this is enough for me, so this woman counted 16 dates for me, I took them to the Holy Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.). He appeared in Salam's court and narrated the whole incident, then we ate those dates together. He, (S.A.W.), spoke good words and prayed for me. (Haliyyah Al-Awaliya, vol. 1, p. 112).

Irrigation of The Garden in Exchange for Dates

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, The Lion of God, Hazrat Sayyiduna Ali al-Murtaza, (RA), says: Once I went to a garden, the owner of the garden said, "Irrigate my garden in exchange for one date for every bucket." I took out some buckets and received dates in return, which filled my palm, then I drank some water and took the dates to the Prophet's house and ate the dates together with the Messenger of Allah Holy Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.). (Al-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad, p. 157, amount: 701).

Dear Islamic brothers!

There is a lesson in these incidents for those people who do not do any work even if they are in good health and consider labor as labor and small trade as a source of shame. They understood. Such people are also found in the same society who, if they want, can earn and feed themselves and can feed their families, but they have declared their existence useless and despite being able to earn as much as they need, break free bread. And they are used to begging for it. Remember! Begging as a profession is forbidden and leads to hell, whoever asks without Shariah permission is asking for hellfire, and the more money he earns, the more he deserves hellfire.

May Allah protect us from asking people negative questions and grant us the ability to make efforts for halal gain.

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