Prayer at night (Tahajjud Namaz)

Tahajjud is a nighttime, voluntarily offered Islamic prayer. It is a type of night prayer that is highly regarded as a form of worship in Islam. The Tahajjud prayer can be performed at any time after the Isha (night) prayer until the time of the Fajr (morning) prayer. It consists of an odd number of rak'ahs (units of prayer), usually between 11 and 13 rak'ahs. The goal of the Tahajjud prayer is to get closer to Allah and ask for His mercy and direction. It is regarded as a unique opportunity to speak with Allah and is a time for introspection, contemplation, and supplication.


Benefits of Tahajjud

Muslims are strongly encouraged to perform it because it is said to bring them a lot of blessings and benefits. The following are some advantages of offering the Tahajjud prayer:

1. A closer relationship with Allah: Tahajjud prayer is a chance for Muslims to get closer to Allah and ask for His pardon. It promotes more adoration and love for Allah.

2. Spiritual uplift: Tahajjud is thought to purify the soul and bring about mental and emotional tranquility. It aids in soul-calming and lessens stress and anxiety.

3. Enhanced blessings: According to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Tahajjud has various benefits, including heightened blessings and sin-forgiveness.

4. Better health: By lowering stress and encouraging deeper sleep, daily Tahajjud prayer can enhance both physical and mental well-being.

5. Increased knowledge and understanding: Tahajjud is also thought to boost memory and memorization of the Quran as well as wisdom and comprehension of it.

It is crucial to keep in mind that the rewards of Tahajjud prayer are not just these and may differ for every individual depending on their sincerity and intention. For the greatest benefits, Tahajjud should be performed consistently and on a regular basis.

Tahajjud: Is it Sunnah or Nafl?

In Islam, the tahajjud prayer is regarded as a Nafl (optional) prayer. Although the Nafl prayers are optional, doing so is strongly advised because doing so brings immense benefits.

How to Pray for Witr and Tahajjud:

Muslims offer special prayers during the night called Tahajjud and Witr. How to say these prayers is as follows:


1. After having slept for a while, awaken throughout the night.
2. If necessary, perform Wudu (ablution).
3. Offer two optional (Nafl) Rak'ahs, then two additional Rak'ahs.
4. You can repeat this pattern (two Rak'ahs at a time) as many as you like, but two sets of two Rak'ahs is the bare least that is advised.
5. As with any other prayer, conclude with the salam (peace greeting).


1. If necessary, perform Wudu (ablution).
2. Offer any odd number of Rak'ahs in groups of two, typically between one and eleven Rak'ahs.
3. After the final two Rak'ahs, stay seated and recite the Qunut, or specific supplications.
4. To make the total number of Rak'ahs odd, do two additional Rak'ahs after the Qunut.
5. As with any other prayer, conclude with the salam (peace greeting).

It is crucial to remember that these prayers are optional but highly encouraged and that they should be said at night, immediately following the Isha prayer and prior to the Fajr prayer. To make sure you are performing these prayers correctly in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, it is also essential to seek advice from an informed individual or Islamic center.

Rakats of Tahajjud

The amount of rakats (prayer units) said during Tahajjud is arbitrary and subject to change. The minimum number of rakats for Tahajjud, according to some experts, is two, but up to twelve, according to others. For Tahajjud, it is typically advised to perform at least eight rakats, however the precise quantity depends on the individual and their circumstances. The purpose to conduct the Tahajjud prayer and the sincerity and dedication with which it is offered are both crucial.

The Tahajjud Niyat

When performing the Tahajjud prayer, one declares in their heart that they are doing so in order to draw closer to Allah (God). This is known as the niyyah (intention). Depending on a person's native tongue and religious convictions, the precise words of the niyyah may vary, but an illustration of one in Arabic is as follows:

For Allah's sake, I'll offer the Tahajjud prayer in the hopes of drawing closer to Him and receiving His forgiveness and mercy.

It is crucial to remember that the niyyah is a sincere purpose made in one's heart rather than a formal declaration. An essential component of conducting the Tahajjud prayer and other acts of worship in Islam is making a sincere niyyah.

Tips for Tahajjud Prayer

The following are the steps for offering the Tahajjud prayer:

1. Perform Wudu: Wudu, or the act of purifying oneself, is required before beginning the prayer. This entails cleaning the hands, arms, head, feet, face, mouth, and nose.

2. Pick a quiet area: Look for a clean, quiet area where you can pray without interruptions.

3. Intention: Make it a point to recite Tahajjud and to ask Allah for forgiveness and direction.

4. Say the Ta'awwuz to invoke protection: "A'uzu billahi minash shaitanir rajim" (I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the accursed) should be recited to begin the prayer.

5. Say "Tasmiyah" (blessings): "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim" (In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful) should be recited.

6. Recite Surah Al-Fatihah: The first chapter of the Quran, Surah Al-Fatihah, should be recited to open the prayer.

7. Continue to recite Surahs from the Quran as desired after completing Surah Al-Fatihah.

8. Raka'ahs: Perform the rak'ahs of the prayer by standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting after reciting the additional Surahs. You can repeat this pattern as many times as you like, usually between 11 and 13.

9. Supplications: Make any supplications or requests to Allah after the prayer.

10. Salams: Say "As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah" (Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah) to conclude the prayer.

Tahajjud should be performed with sincerity and humility, concentrating on the words of the prayer and requesting Allah's guidance and pardon.

Tahajjud Dua

The following duas (supplications) can be said during the Tahajjud prayer:

1. "Rabbi inni limaa anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer" 1. (Oh my God! I sincerely appreciate any kindness You can bestow upon me.)

2. "Allahumma anta Rabbi la ilaha illa anta, khalaqtani wa ana abduka wa ana 'ala ahdika wa wa'dika mastata'tu, a'uzu bika min sharri ma sana'tu, abu'u laka binni'matika 'alaiya, wa abu'u bidhanbi faghfir li, fa innahu la yaghfirudh-dhunuba illa anta" You are my Lord, O Allah. Other than You, there is no deity. I am Your servant and I do my best to uphold Your covenant and promise since You created me. I want protection from the bad things I have done in You. I thank You for all of Your benefits and I repent of my sins. Please pardon me, for there is none other than You who can pardon sins.

3. "Astaghfirullah rabbi min kulli zambiyon wa atoobu ilaih" (I ask Allah, my Lord, to forgive me of all my sins, and I confess to Him)

4. "Rabbi zidni 'ilma wa heyya li tawfiq" (Oh my God! Give me more information so I may make informed decisions.)

5. "Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'anni" (O Allah, You Are Most Forgiving And You Love To Love Forgiveness. Please pardon me.)

Although reciting these duas during Tahajjud prayer is not required, it is recommended because they provide significant benefits and rewards. In order to be sure that you are completing Tahajjud and other prayers correctly in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, it is advised that you seek advice from an informed individual or Islamic center.