Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajveri Urs Mubarak, Darbar Sharif in Lahore, Pakistan. URS Mubarak of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh (r.a) starts every year at Safar Al-Muzaffar (18 Safar to 20 Safar). Millions of devotees from all over the world visit Darbar Sharif Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh At Bhatti Gate Lahore every year and special security arrangements will be made at Darbar Sharif on the occasion of Urs to prevent any trouble.

Hazrat Ali Hajvery Data Ganj Bakhsh(RA) was an 11th-century Sufi saint. He was born in Ghazni, Afghanistan, and died in Lahore, Pakistan. Data Ganj Bakhshwill always is remembered as such a person. He will spend his life in the Gospel of Islam.


Darbar Sharif Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajveri


Starting date

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

End Date

Thursday, October 08, 2020


Data Darbar, Data Ganj BakhshTown, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan


The shrine is open 24 hours a day. The closing prayer was held on the last day of Urs after Zuhr's prayers.

Pakistanis are one of the oldest Muslim shrines, on the subcontinent. It contains the remains of a Sufi saint, Abul Hassan AliHajvery(commonly known as Data Ganj Bakhsh, meaning rewarding treasure).

The shrine is located in the Walled City of Lahore, near Bhati Gate. It was originally built by the Ghaznavid king Sultan Zakir-ud-Din Ibrahim at the end of the eleventh century and has been expanded several times. For centuries, Muslims and Hindus have visited his grave in search of his blessings, but since the partition, most pilgrims have remained Muslimsalthough it is welcomed by people of all faiths.

Visit of HazratSyed Usman Ali Hajvery. Known as "Data Ganj Bakhsh", it launches a large-scale anchor (food drive) for the poor on a daily basis. Data Sahib's followers come to his darbar to pay their respects and give alms. Poor people who have nowhere to go or nothing to eat are welcomed in the darbar where food is distributed generously. Not only the poor but also the rich come to anchor because it is believed that anchor food has spiritual significance.

All visitors are advised not to take any luggage with them when they visit Darbar Sharif during Urs Sharif.

More About Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajvery  Please Visit Here